feature I | meet the porsche 944 s.
part I — stories of a classic car, a transaxel Porsche.
we like things that have a story behind them. we even more like it when we get a chance to continue telling the story of something that excites us. for a while now, we wanted to do this with a classic car. more specifically, a Porsche from the transaxel era. follow this — part I of our first feature story — for more about this time capsule of a car.
the chase is a big part of the experience. with such a wide variety of classic cars, this is another one of these empty pages we keep searching for. waiting to be written and with a story that can go a million different ways. these forks in the road are completely individual and subject to everyone’s own imagination. our road led to a beautiful four-cylinder transaxle Porsche — a black 944 S — that had been perfectly cared for in the past 38 years of its life.
the beauty of a well-preserved car is that every time you get in it, it makes you feel as if it is still 1987 and the car just left the factory. we cannot wait for the next sunny day when we can get it out of the garage, take out the targa roof, turn on the original Grundig radio and continue to write its story. beyond the first 50.000 kilometers the car reached on our first drive on the way back home.
stay tuned for more.